In an attempt to move some of my stale product (basketball cards) to earn some money to buy some new product (Luke Hochevar baseball cards), I've listed my Topps 1981 basketball set on eBay HERE.
This set has 66 base cards that were released nationally. There are also 44 "regional" cards that were released in three regions (that is, 44 unique cards for each region, or 132 different cards total) -- East, Mid-West, and West. My collection has all of the 66 base cards, all 44 East cards, and all 44 Mid-West cards. If I also had all of the West cards, I might think twice about listing them, but since I don't mind listing them on eBay with the hope that someone will buy them for a very high price and I'll be able to increase my Hochevar card collection.
The interesting aspect of this (to me) is the fact that I'm not terribly sad about selling off these cards. I bought them off eBay a few years ago, so I don't have a very strong connection to them. I didn't invest any blood, sweat, and tears equity into them like I did with, say, my John Stockton collection.
It's funny how much of a connection can be created between a person and their cards by merely extracting them from a wax or foil wrapper.
SONG: "I'm Alright" by Kenny Loggins -- as made famous in the movie Caddyshack. I've decided that this song will be playing on a loop in my brain as I play my round tomorrow. Hopefully it'll put me in a chipper (pun intended) mode as I cruise around the course. Also, I highly recommend you watch the linked video. It's a live performance of the song from 1981 and Kenny's orange jumpsuit is worth the price of admission.
LIVE COMEDY: Last night the wife and I went to dinner and a show. Dinner was at Biaggi's and it was fantastic as usual. Then we went to the Omaha Funny Bone for an evening of live comedy. The opening act was funny, although I can't remember the guy's name. The middle act was a fellow by the name of Dave Landau and he was outstanding. He delivered a rapid succession of jokes that were top notch. The headliner was Tommy Johnagin. If you watched this season of Last Comic Standing with any regularity, then you know who Tommy is and that he's a funny guy. I highly recommend that you see his live show if he is in your area.
Time savers
17 hours ago
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