Sunday, November 22, 2009

Movember -- Week 3

As the month of MOvember is winding down, I'm starting to get used to the eyebrows that have grown underneath my nose.  One more week left and then it's back to being a baby-faced 28 year-old without any peach fuzz.  I plan to dye it really, REALLY dark for the last picture.  And then I'll have some fun shaving it into different styles (and by different styles, I mean the one other style that I could possibly make with what little hair I have).

So far I have raised $195.00 toward prostate and testicular cancer research, which is nearly double what my personal goal was.  If anyone would care to put me over the $200.00 mark, please feel free.  Just go to this link (Eric's Movember Donation Page) and donate away.

Team Morthern Colorado has raised $470.00, which is awesome.  I am so lucky to be blessed with such generous friends and family.

Thanks again for your continued support and tune in next week for the final pictures of Movember 2009.


  1. Your lip eyebrow is making more progress than I would have thought it could. Very impressive. -Rach

  2. Does this mean that come Christmas, the stache will be gone?

    I did a bit of experimenting this year, and I think I may actually be able to grow a Mo. So, next year, I'm going to jump in on your challenge.

    Talk about a sad state of affairs when I have to wait to be 31 before trying to grow a stache in earnest.
